3 Benefits of Email Tracking for Your Business

With so many new and groundbreaking technologies being introduced each year, some people may find it surprising that emails still remain as relevant as they were at the dawn of the internet.

As 99% of users check their inboxes daily, there’s no reason for your enterprise to miss out on the benefits of email marketing.

However, businesses that want to run effective marketing campaigns cannot simply send out their emails and hope for the best. Today, it’s absolutely necessary to use this medium in a smart way and provide your recipients with content that’s creative and personalized enough to grab their attention. 

This can be easier to achieve with the help of precise data gathered through email tracking, which can tell you all you need to know about open rates or the time when emails are accessed, among others.

Besides saving time, it also provides you with a lot of context and insight and allows you to automate workflows.

Let’s explore this topic in the article below so you can improve your email communication!

What Is Email Tracking?

Before diving into the benefits of email tracking, it’s important to understand how it works first. 

Email tracking can be defined as a method to keep a close eye on the delivery status of the marketing emails sent out to prospects, colleagues, or even business partners. When using email tracking software, you will be notified when someone opens your email.

Some of the tools that are used for email tracking can also gather information, such as the time when the email was opened or how many people clicked on the links or attachments that came with the email (click-through rate).

Then, the tool can analyze this data and present it to you in a form that’s easy to comprehend yet informative and valuable. With the right data in hand, you can improve your marketing campaigns.

Luckily for all the busy entrepreneurs out there, it’s easy to find software or tools that allow you to track emails sent in bulk (consider reading more about SharpSpring vs Hubspot comparison). They can be incredibly helpful and effective when used to measure how large-scale email campaigns work. 

With this topic explained, let’s learn more about the benefits of email tracking.

When it comes to email spam testing, it’s essential to understand how your emails are received and perceived by the recipients. Email tracking can help you identify potential issues with spam filters. By providing you with data on open rates and click-throughs, email tracking helps you detect any suspicious patterns that may lead to an email being marked as spam by certain providers.

Saves Time

Email tracking is an excellent way for businesses to gather data to learn if their prospects are actually interested in their messages. With the right tools, it’s possible to see how many messages were left unopened and what percentage of the opened emails led to someone clicking on an attachment or a link that came with the email. 

What’s arguably most important, it’s also a great method to determine whether you should consider sending some follow-up emails. You will also, without a doubt, save a significant amount of time.

Just imagine: if most recipients don’t even open the original email, putting together another one and sending it out would be a waste of precious time, and there’s probably no need to remind anyone that in business, time equals money. 

Also, when you notice that particular emails don’t get opened as often as your other messages, you can use this information to work on your subject lines or the users you target with your campaign.

Provides Context 

Another significant advantage that comes with email tracking is that good software can provide you with context and insight into the way your prospects think and behave online.

When using the right tools, you will be able to learn so much besides just determining whether someone opened an email or not.

For instance, the software can analyze the data and let you know what time and day of the week are the best for sending your marketing emails.

This will give you a clear idea of which aspects of your email campaign work well and which perform poorly.

Email tracking allows you to put together a “profile” for your prospects – one that shows what subject lines are effective, what day they are most likely to open your emails, and which links or attachments were attractive enough to make people click on them. 

Reduces Costs

If you decide to invest your hard-earned money in email tracking software, it’s likely to be a one-time investment. Your software of choice will instantly enable your marketing team to organize all the data about your prospects’ interactions with your emails.

It will also improve your follow-up process and make it easier to see what works and what needs to be improved in the future, so your marketing emails can be more effective.

Additionally, email marketing software is very likely to boost the productivity of your employees and allow them to distribute their workload better and focus on their work without having to wonder whether someone opened their email or not.

With all the important information gathered in one place, sending emails will be easier for them than ever before. They will be able to avoid distractions and stay on top of their work.

In Conclusion

Finding solutions that work well for your business and how it operates encourages growth and allows you to develop the best marketing strategy. With the right tools in hand, such as email tracking software, you will stay informed about everything that’s going on with your teams’ emails. 

Knowing how people react to your content and the messages you send them is an excellent way to save time and gain more insight into what makes your prospects respond to your emails. It also allows you to reduce costs and enables your employees to focus on other tasks thanks to automation and valuable data gathered by the right email tracking software.