6 Ways to Use Social Media Marketing Effectively in 2022

We’ve all heard about social media, and most of us use it in our private lives.

Since most people are on social media, it’s only logical that modern businesses use these platforms to market themselves.

In fact, 97% of most successful companies today use social media. 

Social media is available to companies of all sizes regardless of their industry.

It’s approachable and cost-effective, so many smaller businesses use this marketing channel without investing any money and see positive returns. 

However, since everyone is on social media, it’s becoming more challenging to stand out in the sea of other marketers.

With a bit of effort, you can differentiate your strategy and improve your results. Here are some things you should do in 2022. 

Define your social media goals

You can start from a general perspective but look to make your goals as specific as possible. For example, you can focus on trying to sell as many units of a particular product as possible. 

Goals should also be measurable. See which key indicators define the success of your campaigns and how quickly you’re approaching your goals.

If you can’t find the indicators of your success, chances are you need to be more specific. 

The goals should also be relevant to your large-scale business plans and realistic.

It’s about focusing on something attainable that will help you progress long-term. In the end, make sure to create a realistic timeline for your campaign. 

Find Your Relevant Target Audience

Social networks have many users. Even though this is a good thing, it also presents challenges. Not all of those people are your potential customers.

You need to find those who are based on their demographics and behaviors. 

Many companies don’t spend time doing this and end up focusing their advertisement on the wrong people.

You should first develop personas and define ideal and less ideal customers.

When you have a general idea about people interested in your products or services, use the relevant tools on the platform to look for them. 

Most social media platforms have various tools that can help you learn about personas, find new demographics, or see where your target audience is. 

Learn How Your Target Audience Uses Social Media 

Social technographics definition was only recently coined by the Forrester market research agency.

This term describes different ways people use social networks. Social technographics definition outlines six different ways how people use social media: 

  • Inactive people that don’t use social media (Inactives)
  • People who follow events on social media and consume content but rarely engage (Spectators)
  • People who create profiles on social networks but don’t use them often (Joiners)
  • People who collect content from various sources and act as critics but don’t engage often (Collectors)
  • Social media users who often comment, write reviews, and often argue with content creators (Critics)
  • Those who create content such as videos, podcasts, posts, blogs, etc. (Creators)

Technographics data helps marketers in many different ways. It’s a brand new type of data used by marketers and helps predict behaviors, adjust strategies according to the way customers use social media, create new trends, and find the best possible ways to engage audiences. 

Find Where Your Customers Are 

Many marketing teams simply choose a platform they want to focus on without actually considering how many of their potential customers are on it.

Sometimes trends and current behavior on a social network can be deceiving. 

Just because one brand could find its customers on a specific platform doesn’t mean that another company in the same industry will be equally successful.

Use social media monitoring tools to see where your brand and products are mentioned and how. 

Recognize key influencers that are related to your products or services and how their audience responds to them.

Tap into the actual conversation about your competition, industry, products, and your brand. That’s how you can find the most valuable customers. 

Invest a Lot Of Time In Creating Content 

This point doesn’t really come as a surprise.

Content is more important than ever, so you have to consider your brand identity, target audience, and marketing goals when creating content.

Since you probably know your audience by now, it’s best to focus on their real interests, pain spots, and how they use social media. 

Create valuable content and offer something they would be interested in reading or viewing.

Do your research and present the information in the most approachable way possible.

Your approach should depend on the level of knowledge your audience has, demographics, and industry. 

For example, if you’re offering tools for developers, you have to get into the tiniest details and speak their language.

On the other hand, if you’re selling clothing, it’s probably better to be casual and focus on lifestyle. Research, write, curate, and ensure that your content is proofread carefully. 

Track Results And Analyze The Competition 

As we’ve mentioned earlier, you need to determine your key metrics.

List the three essential ones and measure them constantly to understand how successful you are.

Figure out how you can set up tracking these metrics and analyze which factors affect them positively or negatively. 

At the same time, you should monitor your competition on social media. See what they are doing, how they are doing it, and where.

That might help you understand what type of content works best or where new opportunities lie. 

You can use a variety of tools for both of these actions. It’s impossible to look at your marketing strategy in an isolated way.

Many other businesses are focusing on the same platforms, same target audience, and within the same industry.

Understanding these things can help you find your place and establish your business within the social sphere. 

These practices can help you understand what you’re doing well and where you’re making mistakes.

It’s essential to adjust your campaigns constantly to unleash the full potential of your marketing strategy. 


There you have it, an essential list for social media marketing in 2022. These aspects require a lot of time and effort, but they pay off long-term.

Remember, always watch out for new trends emerging within this sphere.